Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bag of Tricks!

Writing. It often inspires stories, poems, or essays. Or it can leave you sitting at your desk, staring at the white sheet on your word processor, with that little blinking curser. You know the one that will often mock you as the clock ticks each minute as they pass. So how do you get past that horrible blinking?

Well I sure would like to know!

But here is what I keep hearing over and over from other writers. Read everything, the good and the bad. Write every day. Keep a journal of morning pages. Keep a list of writing prompts. Keep a list of words you like. All have the ability to inspire you.

I hope so, because I am applying some of those tricks to my own little back of tricks.  It also helps that today classes for this term started, and one of my classes is Creative Writing! It is what we had talked about today as well: keeping a journal, writing every day, and creating a list of great words. What I had also read recently was to create a writing schedule of topics or projects you have on the go.

So, we will see how it all goes!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Starting Over

January is just one of those months we either look forward to, or shudder at. It is often filled with expectations that can leave us dancing with delight, or spinning wildly.  For me, January is both. I love the excitement of starting a new year, new plans, new ideas, and new goals. What I shudder about it, is falling flat on my face, or ass after spinning wildly, or tripping over that resolution list that seems to pop up rather unannounced from time to time. This time, and yes I start each year with that short catch phrase, I will spin wildly in a dance and not fall flat on my face. I plan to land on my ass laughing!

In the last year, much has changed for me, like many of you. I had lost focus on writing, and keeping a blog. I had gotten bogged down in daily life and could not find the time to connect with my spirit. I have to change that, I need that for myself so that I can live a balanced life. So am going to set out a plan to change my daily practice. How do I plan on making sure that this happens? Well that is easy, I will only focus on the positives, celebrate the good, and lift my chin up after the lessons that do trip me. This year is about showing gratitude and giving thanks…daily. I do not plan on posting daily, right now that is not realistic for me, but at least twice a week I will post how I am doing on adding daily gratitude to my life. I also hope to slip some great treats as well, some will food for thought, some will be food for the body, or even for the soul.

To kick of this new start, I seen this image that was posted to Face Book today that I just had to share! I do not know the source, so please forgive me on that, but I do hope you enjoy it and use it as a reminder for yourselves.